In partnership with the San Diego Wellness Collaborative, Lead Care Managers (LCM) connects Medi-Cal members to community resources, sets health goals and provides support to improve overall physical and mental health needs.
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San Diego County
Children and youth up to 25 years old and their families who have Medi-Cal and are part of the following populations:
Individuals experiencing Homelessness
Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
Individuals with serious Mental Health and/or Substance Use Disorder needs
Individuals at risk for avoidable hospitalization
Children and youth involved in child welfare and incarceration
9:00am - 5:00pm
Creating individualized goals for children, youth, and families that would improve overall behavioral and physical health
Assessment of basic, physical and behavioral health needs
Development and implementation of individualized care plans
Linkages to community resources
Collaboration with Primary Care Provider
Care management that includes:
-Support in applying for basic needs benefits
-Connect to housing assessments and resources
-Coordination of transportation needs
100% of children, youth, and families have an assessment to determine needs
100% of children, youth, and families will be connected to appropriate community resources
100% of children, youth and families will maintain Medi-Cal coverage
What is the After School Behavioral Health Program?
Provide students in Harmonium’s before-and-after school program with high-quality preventative individual and group services and early Mental Health Supports that decrease behaviors that interfere with a child’s ability to achieve academic and social emotional wellbeing. Behavioral Support Specialists (BSS) provide support to the staff and students in after school care in behavioral management, social emotional literacy, family engagement, and program growth.
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Participating Harmonium PrimeTime and Klassic Kids San Diego Unified School sites
Children and youth enrolled in Harmonium after-school programs
Before and After School Program Hours
Support children in achieving their academic and social emotional wellbeing
Screenings and Social Emotional Assessments
Behavioral health goal plans
Linkages to resources and interventions
Coaching and consultation with staff
100% of children participating will receive developmentally appropriate resources
100% of students will have access as needed to routine SEL screenings
100% of those children/youth served individually will have an individualized service plan that meets the students’ cultural and behavioral needs
100% of staff will be provided with training, supervision, coaching and reflective practice as integral components to achieving quality and excellence
What is the Integrated Community Behavioral Health Counseling Program?
Integrated Community Behavioral Health Programs support individuals, families and communities in achieving self sufficiency and well being.
Harmonium’s counseling team understands that mental health issues are often complicated by challenges such as physical health, relationships, limited resources, educational needs, and daily life experiences.
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5440 Morehouse Drive Ste 1000, San Diego, CA 92121
Children, and youth ages 0-25, and their families that are primarily enrolled in other Harmonium services
Support the social-emotional well-being of children and families, by providing culturally responsive, trauma-informed , and age/developmentally appropriate clinical services that address anxiety, depression, and general behavioral health concerns
The program offers a warm and safe counseling environment where individuals and families are provided culturally responsive, strength-based, and trauma-informed interventions to improve overall mental health and well-being. Individual, family, and group therapy services are provided with a variety of interventions including play and art therapy.
Treatment can address:
Depression and anxiety
Substance use
Personal growth
Behavioral challenges
Stress and anger management
Counselors provide a family-centered approach to improving overall mental health and providing strategies on navigating life’s challenges.
Impact Goals
100% training of staff within the Community Behavioral and Physical Health Programs around trauma-informed care, culturally responsive services, recovery oriented behavioral health
100% of those served will have an individualized service plan meeting any cultural and behavioral needs
90% of participants with an individualized service plan will achieve their goals
80% of clients report being satisfied with services and staff were responsive to their cultural needs
Family Youth Partner Program provides support in navigating and accessing behavioral health and other public systems and community resources.
Family Youth Partners work with children, youth, and their families to assist in reducing conflict at home, school, and other settings. Through a family-centered approach, the FYPP team understands that mental health issues are often complicated by life challenges such as physical health, limited resources, educational needs, employment, legal issues, and daily life experiences. Funded by the HHSA and in partnership with the County of San Diego.
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Southeastern San Diego
Children, youth ages 5-21, and their families
Provide culturally responsive support services to address the needs of children, youth, and their families to access behavioral health treatment, education, and other resources
This unique model includes a team of highly trained Family Youth Partners, supervised by a licensed mental health clinician to provide:
Short term case management to coordinate care, and link to appropriate resources and services.
Mentoring and coaching to help families navigate through behavioral health, physical healthcare, education, child welfare, legal, and juvenile justice systems.
Strengthening support networks for families.
Advocating for parents and caregivers by attending key meetings, such as for Individualized Education Plans (IEP) and court hearings.
Educating the community on a variety of behavioral health topics.
Impact Goals
100% of referred families will receive access to resources and guidance in navigating needed systems.
100% of referred families will be contacted within 48 hours.
100% of surveyed families will rate the support received as excellent or good.
100% of families will be served in their preferred language.
For More Information
For more information or to participate in the Family Youth Partner Program, please contact: