Youth Entrepreneurship Employment Program (YEEP)
What is the Youth Entrepreneurship Employment Program?
Youth Entrepreneurial Employment Program (YEEP) is an innovative approach to entrepreneurship training and leadership skill development for youth. YEEP is designed to teach youth the skills needed to develop a business from conception of the business plan to production, marketing, and sales of the actual product.

Harmonium’s Youth Entrepreneurship Employment Program (YEEP) inspires and prepares youth in developing business and leadership skills.
Quick Look
San Diego
Monarch school students, ages 14-18
Enhance future earning potential and job readiness of youth who are at risk due to multiple challenges such as homelessness
YEEP provides skills for youth to create their own business while reinforcing positive interactions and relationships with peers, family, school and community.

Impact Goals
100% will interview and hold a position as an officer or employee within the YEEP company.
100% will write and present their business plan to a community panel represented by well-established local businesses, funding institutions, university professors, and nonprofit community board members.
100% of graduating seniors will enter a vocational or post secondary program, and/or become employed.
For More Information
For more information on the Youth Entrepreneurship Employment Program, please contact us.
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Juvenile Diversion Program
What is the Juvenile Diversion Program?
Juvenile Diversion is a 90-day program to reduce recidivism among juvenile offenders, using a restorative justice approach. The focus is on identifying new behavior strategies and restoring individual, family, and community relationships.

In collaboration with the San Diego Police Department, Northeastern Division, and the Sheriff's Department, Harmonium has developed an effective Juvenile Diversion Program applying restorative justice as a best practice approach.
Harmonium’s Juvenile Diversion Model
  • Supports families by strengthening relationships between youth and their family through improved communication skills, problem solving, and conflict resolution.
  • Promotes access to services and resources to promote youth self sufficiency.
  • Reduces recidivism by providing support to avoid formal court proceedings and further involvement in the legal system.
  • Assures responsibility and accountability of youth, to reflect on the impact of their actions, and make positive community connections.
Quick Look
San Diego
Youth, ages 12-18
Reduce recidivism among juvenile offenders
The program engages youth and family in an alternative approach to detention. Family engagement is essential in supporting the youth in developing their plan and throughout the process.

The plan includes reflective writing, and a community service project. Counseling, linkages, and other support services are offered as needed. This program is an alternative to formal court procedures for those youth who complete the program.
Impact Goals
  • 95% will not reoffend during their enrollment in the 90-day program
  • 100% will complete reflective writing regarding their offense
  • 100% will participate in restorative volunteer hours within their community
  • 100% will be served in their preferred language
For More Information
For more information on the Juvenile Diversion Program, please contact us.
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